The family of iconic actor John Amos is embroiled in a deeply personal and contentious dispute following his death in August 2023, with his daughter Shannon Amos hiring a lawyer to investigate the circumstances of his final months.
John Amos, 84, best known for his roles in "Good Times" and "Roots", passed away from congestive heart failure. The tragedy has been complicated by significant family tensions, particularly between Shannon and her brother K.C. Amos.
Shannon has raised multiple concerns, including allegations of potential elder abuse and lack of communication about her father's condition. She claims she was not immediately notified of his death and has made three unsuccessful attempts to obtain his medical records from Centinela Hospital Medical Center.
Her lawyer, James H. Davis III, stated that the family deserves a full understanding of John Amos' care and the events leading to his passing. The investigation comes after previous investigations by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and the Los Angeles Police Department found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing.
K.C. Amos has strongly denied all allegations of abuse, stating he was honoring his father's wishes by limiting family contact. The dispute appears rooted in earlier family tensions, including disagreements over their mother's estate and care.
The case highlights the complex and often painful dynamics that can emerge in families dealing with aging parents and inheritance issues, underscoring the emotional challenges of familial relationships during difficult times.